Queen of drag queens

Ryan has a gold tooth, a diamond in his ear. A lovely dwarf with hairy
balls and dilapidates tits. Nobody touch him at the club because he stinks
(and) when he speaks its always about his crotch. And he spent three years, a new form of pornography
dressing like a woman with cheap jewelry. Red platformed high heels. She´s now a queen, queen, at
fashion week . And she´s a queen, queen, queen of drag queen. Meat or fish doesn´t care, another one that
makes him a dick. She´s now a queen, queen, at fashion week. And she´s a queen, queen with a big penis.
Enjoys singing weird songs a new travesty victim , really he feels so lost like a
failing factory. Two west country bumpkins, they almost kissed. They fell in love
at first sight with the drag queen. Mounted wanted a threesome with a dwarf.
So they gave him a beating with three pairs of balls He attempted suicide swallowing
a nail clipper shitty, he faked his death to stop paying my taxes with surgery.
He shot himself in the genitals with a gun , now the true salvation has just begun, so
he reached less higher tones and it wasn´t fun. Red platformed high heels. She´s now
a queen, queen, at fashion week . And she´s a queen, queen, queen of drag queen.
Meat or fish doesn´t care, another one that makes him a dick. She´s now a
queen,quen, at fashion week. And she´s a queen, queen with a big penis. Enjoys
singing weird songs a new travesty victim , really he feels so lost like a failing factory.

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